Monday, October 27, 2014

Changes changes changes, it's the only thing that stays the same!

It has been a while since I've written on my blog. Busy with kids, their school, my school, Cub Scouts, and life in general. 

I have been a LPN for almost three years. I was a nurse aide for five years before that. I worked on the oncology floor of my hospital for the first year, transferred to pediatrics and have been there since. I started as a CNA (Certified Nurse Assistant). After earning my LPN I continued to work on peds as a nurse aide because (1) our hospital is a magnet recognized hospital and one of the criteria is that LPN's could no longer be hired and (2) I liked my floor. Recently after an audit by HR, they realized that I am an LPN and my job description was for a nurse aide. My manager was told that I needed a job description for a LPN. Since she cannot hire any LPN's she proceeded to help me find a job within the health system. The best and easiest thing would be a job transfer. There are other areas that have LPN's but they are not bedside nurses. Last Tuesday she took me to meet the staffing manager. She had heard that there could be an opening for a LPN and wanted to introduce me to her. It was a good meeting, she explained that she was planning to move some people already in the department around and would have an opening but didn't know how soon that really would be. She also knew some managers at some of the satellite hospitals that do still hire LPN's to work as bedside nurses. She got my information and let me know that she would put in some calls to see if she could find somewhere that I could transfer to. 

This morning was not a normal morning for me. I usually laze around after I get the kids off to school and try to get some things done around the house. Today I got back from taking my daughter to school and got in the shower, got dressed, I even put on makeup. You'd think I was going somewhere. Lol I am almost completely ready and my phone rings. I recognize the first three digits as a number from the hospital and answer it. On the other end of the line is the manager from staffing. I figure she is going to tell me what she found out from the managers she called. No, she asks me when I would be available to begin training in her department! I just about fell off of my chair. I pull up my calendar, she knows I am in class on Tuesdays and Thursdays until December, and she asks me if there is any way I can come in today to begin training. As a matter of fact, I can leave in about five minutes. So I started training today! My trainer sent me to lunch and while I am in the cafeteria I run into my previous manager and told her what had happened. She tells me that after meeting me, the staffing manager calls my manager back and asks about me some more. Well, I don't know what she was told but it sure worked! Lol I am still in shock that it happened so fast! Pleasantly shocked, that is. 

I thought I would share this. It was a great day. I am still employed. That's something isn't it? I think so! 

Thank you and have a great night!
