Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Kids, Dogs, and Where's My Wine?

It has been an interesting 24 hours.

I invited a friend and her family to come stay with me for a bit while she gets a job lined up (locally, they moved from AR) and gets settled in. It is temporary and I wouldn't have offered if this was a person looking for a hand-out. It will be cozy for the next few weeks, but it will be fine. I prayed about this and was led to invite them to stay with us. I did have a conversation with my son prior to making the decision, since he would be "volunteering" his room during this time. He thought it was a good idea (I love that my son is learning to lend a helping hand) and it was decided.

They arrived later last night than planned, but after about an hour of chaos everyone was in bed and the house was quiet. In all we have two adult women, an 8 year old boy (the only male in the lot), and the girls are 5, 2, 2, and 1 (one of the 2s is mine),  our dog Daisy, and their dog Tia. Whew! Thankfully the dogs are getting along fine which was probably my biggest concern. I've been watching The Dog Whisperer so I'm channelling my inner Ceasar Milan, trying remain calm and submissive.

This is going to be a symbiotic relationship, both of us helping each other. She gave me a great big hug and couldn't thank me enough. I slept well last night knowing I am helping another single mom.

Now, I really must study...my microbiology final is tomorrow at 11 and this is quiet time during which I can study! If I don't do it now, I may not get to this evening! As for the wine...I don't really drink much and currently do not have wine in the house. Then again, I may need to remedy that in the coming weeks...lol.

Have a great day friends!

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