Saturday, October 13, 2012

Settling Back into Our Own Routine

Well, my friend found a job, a place to live and has now moved. It's back to me, my kids, Daisy (our dog) and Tia (her dog). I seem to still have custody of her dog for the time being.

So, school has started for both my son and I. He loves, not so much. I am only taking one class and it is kicking my ass right now. I am also working as a home care nurse during the week (on the days I'm not in school) and as a nurse aide one weekend a month. My son is in Cub Scouts where I am the awards chairperson which also keeps me busy.

Maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment, but because of all these things, my life is very scheduled out. I also spend a lot of time being tired. Lately, I have been feeling very blah. I cry watching TV, I don't care about how I look when I leave the house, and I cannot seem to motivate myself to work on school work or much else for that matter. I met my dad for lunch and he mentioned that I didn't seem myself. I told him how I have been feeling and he encouraged me to seek medical advice. Since I am a single mom, I need to be the stable parent for my children. Unfortunately, each of my childrens' fathers have their own variety of unstable. (Alittle background, I have been married twice and had a child with each.) I went to the doctor last week and discussed my issues, he recommended an antidepressant. I have been on it for a week now and I do feel better but still not like myself yet. I go back in two more weeks so that he can reevaluate my situation. It can take two to three weeks to feel the full effect so I am hoping that I will begin to feel more like myself soon.

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