Monday, October 27, 2014

Changes changes changes, it's the only thing that stays the same!

It has been a while since I've written on my blog. Busy with kids, their school, my school, Cub Scouts, and life in general. 

I have been a LPN for almost three years. I was a nurse aide for five years before that. I worked on the oncology floor of my hospital for the first year, transferred to pediatrics and have been there since. I started as a CNA (Certified Nurse Assistant). After earning my LPN I continued to work on peds as a nurse aide because (1) our hospital is a magnet recognized hospital and one of the criteria is that LPN's could no longer be hired and (2) I liked my floor. Recently after an audit by HR, they realized that I am an LPN and my job description was for a nurse aide. My manager was told that I needed a job description for a LPN. Since she cannot hire any LPN's she proceeded to help me find a job within the health system. The best and easiest thing would be a job transfer. There are other areas that have LPN's but they are not bedside nurses. Last Tuesday she took me to meet the staffing manager. She had heard that there could be an opening for a LPN and wanted to introduce me to her. It was a good meeting, she explained that she was planning to move some people already in the department around and would have an opening but didn't know how soon that really would be. She also knew some managers at some of the satellite hospitals that do still hire LPN's to work as bedside nurses. She got my information and let me know that she would put in some calls to see if she could find somewhere that I could transfer to. 

This morning was not a normal morning for me. I usually laze around after I get the kids off to school and try to get some things done around the house. Today I got back from taking my daughter to school and got in the shower, got dressed, I even put on makeup. You'd think I was going somewhere. Lol I am almost completely ready and my phone rings. I recognize the first three digits as a number from the hospital and answer it. On the other end of the line is the manager from staffing. I figure she is going to tell me what she found out from the managers she called. No, she asks me when I would be available to begin training in her department! I just about fell off of my chair. I pull up my calendar, she knows I am in class on Tuesdays and Thursdays until December, and she asks me if there is any way I can come in today to begin training. As a matter of fact, I can leave in about five minutes. So I started training today! My trainer sent me to lunch and while I am in the cafeteria I run into my previous manager and told her what had happened. She tells me that after meeting me, the staffing manager calls my manager back and asks about me some more. Well, I don't know what she was told but it sure worked! Lol I am still in shock that it happened so fast! Pleasantly shocked, that is. 

I thought I would share this. It was a great day. I am still employed. That's something isn't it? I think so! 

Thank you and have a great night!


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Settling Back into Our Own Routine

Well, my friend found a job, a place to live and has now moved. It's back to me, my kids, Daisy (our dog) and Tia (her dog). I seem to still have custody of her dog for the time being.

So, school has started for both my son and I. He loves, not so much. I am only taking one class and it is kicking my ass right now. I am also working as a home care nurse during the week (on the days I'm not in school) and as a nurse aide one weekend a month. My son is in Cub Scouts where I am the awards chairperson which also keeps me busy.

Maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment, but because of all these things, my life is very scheduled out. I also spend a lot of time being tired. Lately, I have been feeling very blah. I cry watching TV, I don't care about how I look when I leave the house, and I cannot seem to motivate myself to work on school work or much else for that matter. I met my dad for lunch and he mentioned that I didn't seem myself. I told him how I have been feeling and he encouraged me to seek medical advice. Since I am a single mom, I need to be the stable parent for my children. Unfortunately, each of my childrens' fathers have their own variety of unstable. (Alittle background, I have been married twice and had a child with each.) I went to the doctor last week and discussed my issues, he recommended an antidepressant. I have been on it for a week now and I do feel better but still not like myself yet. I go back in two more weeks so that he can reevaluate my situation. It can take two to three weeks to feel the full effect so I am hoping that I will begin to feel more like myself soon.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Kids, Dogs, and Where's My Wine?

It has been an interesting 24 hours.

I invited a friend and her family to come stay with me for a bit while she gets a job lined up (locally, they moved from AR) and gets settled in. It is temporary and I wouldn't have offered if this was a person looking for a hand-out. It will be cozy for the next few weeks, but it will be fine. I prayed about this and was led to invite them to stay with us. I did have a conversation with my son prior to making the decision, since he would be "volunteering" his room during this time. He thought it was a good idea (I love that my son is learning to lend a helping hand) and it was decided.

They arrived later last night than planned, but after about an hour of chaos everyone was in bed and the house was quiet. In all we have two adult women, an 8 year old boy (the only male in the lot), and the girls are 5, 2, 2, and 1 (one of the 2s is mine),  our dog Daisy, and their dog Tia. Whew! Thankfully the dogs are getting along fine which was probably my biggest concern. I've been watching The Dog Whisperer so I'm channelling my inner Ceasar Milan, trying remain calm and submissive.

This is going to be a symbiotic relationship, both of us helping each other. She gave me a great big hug and couldn't thank me enough. I slept well last night knowing I am helping another single mom.

Now, I really must microbiology final is tomorrow at 11 and this is quiet time during which I can study! If I don't do it now, I may not get to this evening! As for the wine...I don't really drink much and currently do not have wine in the house. Then again, I may need to remedy that in the coming

Have a great day friends!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

At Christmas, I found so many tasty looking recipes on Pinterest. I decided to try my hand at making homemade caramels. It was surprisingly easy and so good that I overheard one of "the un-wed uncles" claim that these could give Aunt Meg's caramels a run for her money! That is an extremely high compliment! Here is the recipe I used and some pictures I took.

The final product!

Homemade Caramel (or caramel dip)
Yield: about 60 caramels
Prep and cook time: 1 hour (not including time to cut and wrap caramels, save extra time for that)
1 cup butter, unsalted
1 cup light corn syrup (11.5 oz)
1 14-oz. can sweetened condensed milk (or substitute two cups half and half or light cream, I almost always use sweetened condensed milk b/c makes for shorter cooking time)
2 1/4 cup brown sugar (14.5 oz.), white sugar is also okay, but I prefer brown
1 tsp. vanilla
(Note: if you try any substitute ingredients, I’d love to hear how it goes! I’d love to accommodate readers with any dietary restrictions!)
candy thermometer
heavy, 3-qt. sauce pan, or 6-qt. if doubling the recipe, which I always do (having a heavy pan is important, if your pan is too thin it can heat the caramel unevenly and make it separate)
parchment paper (how I love parchment paper, i’ve never found anything that sticks to this stuff)
8×8 or 9×9 pan (or large jelly-roll cookie sheet if doubling recipe)
wax paper for wrapping caramels
  1. Every time before using a candy thermometer, clip a candy thermometer onto a pan full of cold water and bring it to a boil (make sure the thermometer is not touching the bottom of the pan). I cheat on a lot of things, but I never cheat on this. Boiling water should read 212°. Once the water is boiling, make note of any difference in your reading, and adjust your reading accordingly when you make the candy (for example, if thermometer reads 210° in boiling water instead of 212°, then take caramel off at 242° instead of 244°). High-altitude note: If you live above 7k feet, see the high-alt info below.
  2. Line pan with parchment paper, even up the sides. Prepare any apples, pretzels, or other things you’ll be dipping. Chop any nuts or prepare any candy you’ll be sprinkling on top.
  3. Cut butter into smaller, even sized cubes for even melting. Melt over low in sauce pan.
  4. Carefully add sugar by pouring it into the center of the pan. If any sugar crystals stick to side of pan, push them down with a damp pastry brush so they do not crystallize the entire batch and make you want to cry. Stir slowly until well combined with melted butter.
  5. Add and mix in corn syrup and sweetened condensed milk (or cream).
  6. Cook and stir on medium for one minute, then to med.-high until boiling. You want to change temperatures slowly so you don’t shock the candy. Once boiling, clip on your candy thermometer (again, don’t let it touch the bottom of the pan). By the time your caramel is boiling, if you have been stirring well, you should have the butter fully blended into the caramel mixture, not separated.
  7. Reduce heat to about medium, adjusting so that you keep a moderate, steady boil. Stir frequently. I’m serious about the stirring. If you let your caramel go too long without stirring, you’ll end up with a separated, greasy batch of caramel. No good.
  8. Temperature does not raise at a steady rate, so watch thermometer closely. If you have any doubts about the accuracy of your thermometer, periodically do a test by dropping a little in cold water. When your thermometer reaches thread stage (230–233°), take out any caramel that you would like to use as dip. When thermometer reaches late soft ball stage (234–240°), dip in a few apples for caramel apples (UPDATE: Click here for  great pro tip for perfect caramel apples.)
  9. When thermometer reaches 244°, remove caramel from heat (this is low firm ball stage; reaching this stage from boiling takes me about 30 minutes with sweetened condensed milk and longer with cream, though I have had a reader reach it in less time, so watch closely).
  10. Stir in vanilla. If dipping, start immediately. If making caramels, pour the caramel into the prepared pan. Either way, take care not to burn yourself, this stuff is so so hot.
  11. Allow to cool for several hours and use a butter knife or kitchen shears to cut pieces (UPDATE: a clever reader suggested a pizza cutter, another preferred preferred her trusty Santou knife, lightly buttered, thanks Susan!). Wrap in wax paper. Or to save on cutting time, just leave the whole batch out on the counter with a knife next to it and watch it gradually disappear.
And, for handy reference, here is the candy temperature list:
230–233° Thread
234–240° Soft ball
244–248° Firm ball
250–266° Hard ball
High altitude: I so appreciate this note from Debbie: If you live above, 7000 feet,  stop at 227 degrees! I used the NMSU E215 Guide, which I’ve found to be the best reference. I used the lowest temperature listed for chewy candies. It was the perfect temperature. I always select the lower end of the temperatures listed to take into account the extreme drying conditions of H.A!
Here is my caramel cooling

I had a hard time keeping hands out of this bag!

These turned out divine! I followed the directions exactly, there isn't much wiggle room in this type of recipe, and the first batch turned out so good. My cousin requested an additional batch for him to take home for his family (another high praise!).

I found this recipe via Pinterest from this blog

Thank you Giverslog for sharing this delicious recipe and I hope you have fun making and mostly eating these caramels!

It has been a while since I made this yummy dish, but here it is:

Easy Chicken and Dumplings

about 3 cups cooked chicken
6-8 cups chicken broth
2 cups flour
2 Tbs. butter
1/2 tsp. baking powder
salt to taste (I just shake some in)
about a cup of milk, maybe a bit less
In a bowl, combine the flour, baking powder and salt.  Cut the butter into the dry ingredients with a fork or pastry blender.  Stir in the milk, mixing with a fork  until the dough forms a ball.
Heavily flour a work surface.  You’ll need a rolling pin and something to cut the dumplings with.  I like to use a pizza cutter.  I also like to use a small spatula to lift the dumplings off the cutting surface.

Here are my dumplings after I cut them out.
My little princess "helping"

This recipe was very easy and very tasty. I might recommend adjusting seasonings to your taste. I always make it to the recipe the first time, then adjust seasonings the next time. 

Thank you, Earth Home Cooks for sharing and thank you for visiting!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


I am new at this, so let's just see where it takes me. I plan to share recipes I try; crafts that I make; neat stuff that I run across and whatever tickles my fancy! I am newly addicted to Pinterest, and have found many items of interest, to me, and plan to use this platform to share. I have a wide variety of things I like, I'm eclectic.